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What is the difference between a refugee and a migrant?

What is the difference between a refugee and a migrant?

Refugee, migrant, asylum-seeker, internally displaced person. There are so many words used to describe people who leave their home behind and seek refuge somewhere else. Many of these terms have distinct and different meanings, and confusing them leads to problems for both populations. In this blog post I will differentiate the meanings of these terms.

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A lot has changed and nothing at all…

A lot has changed and nothing at all…

2020 is a year to remember! Most of all due to the changes we went through: from cuddling to 1.5 meter distance, from shopping till we drop to shopping with a face mask and from working at an office to working at home. But, Covid-19 was the least of the worries for refugees. What really changed for them? I asked a couple of refugees on Lesvos.

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